1. What is the name of Ann’s IM buddy? Sec558user1 2. What was the first comment in the captured IM conversation? Here's the secret recipe... I just downloaded it from the file server. Just copy to a thumb drive and you're good to go >:-) 3. What is the name of the file Ann transferred? recipe.docx 4. What is the magic number of the file you want to extract (first four bytes)? 50 4B 03 04 5. What was the MD5sum of the file? 8350582774e1d4dbe1d61d64c89e0ea1 6. What is the secret recipe? Recipe for Disaster: 1 serving Ingredients: 4 cups sugar 2 cups water In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Add sugar. Stir gently over low heat until sugar is fully dissolved. Remove the saucepan from heat. Allow to cool completely. Pour into gas tank. Repeat as necessary.